Henri Matisse: The Cut-Outs

Henri Matisse: artist, inventor, genius and creator.

Matisse’s Cut-Outs exhibit at the Museum of Modern Art in New York is absolutely phenomenal. It is the largest display of cut-outs, featuring over 100 pieces of Matisse’s work. The sheer scale of some of the pieces is unbelievable – murals, church windows, his dining room walls etc. But what is most brilliant about this exhibit is that it showcases how imaginative and innovative Henri Matisse was as an artist, to pioneer this medium. One of my favorite pieces is this seated lady.IMG_8617

How did he do it? He would take pieces of colored paper and with these cut-outs, he would arrange them to make an abstract vision come to life. In some of the pieces, he was able to create depth (like you would see in a painting) by arranging the colored pieces a certain way. That really amazed me.

Since I couldn’t take pictures in the Cut-Outs exhibit, here are a few other pieces I saw at the MoMA. Andy Warhol

Warhol Cow Paper


Mary Weatherford’s La Noche

This was one of my best trips to the MoMA.


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